A monthly circle for creative minds

In this cozy session, you'll be invited to nurture your creative mind or take brave action on your creative goals. Together, we'll restore our creativity and replenish our energy for the next lunar cycle.

the gathering

⇾ A 60-min circle to create space for what you need— brave action, rest, daydreaming, creating.

⇾ A grounding meditation to find our centre and set clear intentions for our circle.

Creative activities and journaling prompts inspired by the energy of the Full Moon.

Curated playlists to find focus or flow as we work, create, rest alongside each other.

⇾ A space to connect with kindred spirits + creative minds.

Meet the host

hi, i’m pascale— your guide on this rebellious path.

I coach artists, makers and creatives of all kinds to untangle the knots that are hindering their creative growth and keeping them stuck in a frustrating cycle of hustle, burnout and stagnation, because I believe in the cathartic power of art and the important role they're here to play.

join our next gathering

Date: FEBRUARY 7, 2023

Time: 5:00 pm (GMT)




Mused is a free coaching companion to design a self-led creative retreat that will help you make space to reconnect with the artist within, clarify your creative vision, find gentle structure to bring your ideas to life and explore solutions to get unstuck in your creative process.
